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Dating in Modern times‏‎

Hello Daters,

Tired of hearing horrible experiences from online dating?

There are two basic things people look at when online dating:

Pictures and Bio. Simple as that.

How can anyone really know someone with these two shortcuts?

Do you really believe in speed dating?

First of all, online dating today is very different than online dating 10 years ago.

It is actually easier to meet today, but it is harder to meet the right person.

As an example, many years ago woman really were not out in the work force compare to opportunities they have today.

Way back woman searched for a man who wanted kids and hopefully had some kind of job.

Times have changed woman say they want it all…men are confused

They can’t figure out: What is it, that she wants???

She wants marriage and kids yet she wants her busy lifestyle.

These are really important things to know on first dates

Do you both have the same goals and dreams?

Or are you just A BIG DREAMER.

When people are looking for someone rich is that really something you want?

Or do you mean someone ambitious AND GENEROUS?


If you are not completely honest with who you are, and what you need there is no hope, that any relationship will be successful.

No matter how you have met, when people say that they are really picky.

Do they really mean they are selfish and really want everything their way?

When you meet someone does it have to be love at first site?

Usually, when it is all about the physical aspect, it can go to a different direction and in a few months things can become very pathetic. Then its too late and the woman is pregnant.

She realizes, that this is not who she wants to spend the rest of your life with and he feels the same way.

Wow what an unhappy situation.

Don’t we hear these horror stories every day?

How many times do men try so hard to impress a woman who is totally outside of his league.

Only to call her a gold digger and think she is only in it for the money.

He was the one who staged the lies he had nothing to offer her.

Woman will sometimes say all the right things to catch this guy.

He enjoys skiing, boating, hiking and she says she loves all that stuff.

Only to get involved and later to find out she has nothing but high heel shoes..

How can we make dating easier, more fun and less complicated?

We must all look into the mirror and decide on to be a liar or to be an honest dater….

You can also do something really different……choose someone on a site that you would normally not contact and see what happens…

Go outside the comfort zone…………one never knows a good thing until you find it…

Your matchmaker,

Susan Alper

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