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Let's Get Dressed & Get Outside!

If this pandemic has taught us anything it’s to relax and slow down!

Being from a busy metropolitan city, the hustle and bustle was always nonstop, and it just felt like everyone was running from one place to another without taking a breath.

Pressing pause when the world was basically on hold has been incredibly beneficial for me personally in multiple ways. It helped me realign my priorities and how I schedule my time. I think for many of us we were busier than necessary because we were doing everything and anything versus exerting our energy in the most productive and worthwhile ways.

That said, now that summer is here and we are finally out of the Covid “red zone”, restrictions are being lifted, restaurants and bars are reopening and it’s now time to finally take off the sweats and retire our pajamas to the evenings

These new changes have been highly anticipated but many of us continue to or have transitioned to permanently working from home and/or remotely. But let’s not forget that how we feel, and our overall cleanliness and appearance does impact our mood, performance and productivity whether we want to admit it or not. A healthy lifestyle and how we present ourselves directly impacts our day-to-day.

Staying up late binge-watching Netflix and looking like you rolled out of bed every day on video calls/meetings shouldn’t be a long-term commitment. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it feels good to get cozy with a good show and eat a pile of chicken wings in my pajamas, but let’s not make that a lifestyle, we’re so much better than that!

Some of us took quarantining to get fit, discover new interests/passions and/or hobbies and perhaps establish a new schedule, while some maybe let themselves go a little. No judgement at all, as we all did what we needed to do in order to cope! However, now that everything is seemingly starting up again, those who didn’t train in hiding like Seabiscuit might be feeling a little remorseful for not adopting healthier habits. Good news: it’s fine because we are coming out of the cave together! So let’s get out and get some fresh air!

Thankfully this nice weather makes it more inspiring to want to get an hour of physical activity in a day. Also, as I’m sure you’re all aware physical activity has a multitude of benefits and is a key factor of self-esteem: if your body feels better, so does your mind. Staying active helps release endorphins and improves the ability to sleep and reduces stress.

The reality is when we feel better about ourselves everything just is better and leads to a happier, healthier and more satisfying living.

As a professional matchmaker I can identify prospective clients who implement these positive changes immediately! I swear its like a pregnancy glow, you just have a confidence that radiates from the inside out.


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